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Experimentations aim to test and validate the Smart4RES modelling and forecasting tools under realistic operational conditions.
10 experimentations are performed, accordingly to the use case defined.
These experimentations include measurement instruments and/or real RES power plants, feeding the project with measurements used to fine-tune and validate the modelling and forecasting tools developed. Each experimentation has specific characteristics that meet the scientific objectives of the project. Some of these experimentations will play the role of living labs in the framework of WP6, where the tools developed will be validated under real-world conditions.
NorthWest meteorological measurement network & PV plants
Network of PV plants at mid-west of France
RES plants at different areas in Europe
Various regions of continental Europe
Geographical smart islands with RES penetration above 60%
The island of Crete as reference case for forecasting
Crete, Greece
The island of Rhodes as living lab
Rhodes island, Greece
Stocare Project – Cobadin Wind Farm
Wind Float Atlantic
Very large PV 150 MWp plant
Offshore wind production in Belgium