Why power networks innovation is key for bringing the European Green Deal from promise to practice?
In order not to lose touch with what’s innovative in Europe’s power networks, E.DSO and ENTSO-E are organising two webinars featuring some of the leading R&D projects in Europe.
The InnoGrid2020 virtual sessions will feature projects that contribute in making the Green Deal a reality through enabling renewables’ integration, flexibility and open up new market opportunities via electrification.
Smart4RES invites you to join the virtual session ‘Grids for renewables’ on Thursday 18 June at 11:00 CEST.
A first step to reach a green future for all, includes increasing the share of clean energy. This session aims at exploring how System Operators can help develop renewable resources including offshore and the persisting R&I needs. The session will as well discuss the decentralized integration of renewable energy sources and how to integrate DC and AC systems.
Please register here.
For more information, please consult the conference website.