Smart4RES Webinar Series – Season 1 Towards a new Standard for the entire RES forecasting value chain
Webinar #1 Data science for renewable energy prediction

The prediction of Renewable Energy Source (RES) production is a worldwide challenge for Smart Grids.
Hosted by the ISGAN Academy, this first webinar in a series of six will introduce the project and focus on the role of RES forecasting in future power system applications as well as on innovative weather and RES production forecasting products to increase performance by 10-20%.

This webinar will be an opportunity to ask participants about their current use of forecasts and forecast-based decision-aid tools.
Audience: Decision-makers from the energy sector and the power system industry or Senior engineers with experience in renewable energy or statistics / data science

Date: June, 5th from 14:00 to 15:00, CEST.

Register here.

Prof. Georges Kariniotakis, head of the Renewable Energies and Smartgrids Group at Centre PERSEE of Mines ParisTech is the project coordinator of the H2020 Smart4RES project. He has authored more than 220 scientific publications in journals and conferences and has been involved as participant or coordinator in more than 40 R&I projects in the fields of renewable energies and distributed generation. Among them, he was the coordinator of some major EU projects in the field of wind power forecasting and integration such as Anemos (FP5), (FP6) and SafeWind (FP7) projects. Georges Kariniotakis is a Senior Member of IEEE, member of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) and acts as an Associate Editor for the Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Journal and the Wind Science Energy Journal.

Prof. Pierre Pinson, is a researcher and academic professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Electrical Engineering, Centre for Electric Power and Energy. He heads the Energy Analytics & Markets group and has recently been a Simons fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge, UK). His work is mainly related to the application of mathematical modeling and decision-making methods to the energy sector with a focus on easing the large scale integration of renewable energies into power systems and electricity markets. Pierre Pinson has authored a large number of manuscripts in high-profile scientific journals and acts as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Forecasting.